
March 23, 2025
SPCB are extremely grateful to Community Bank Hastings for their ongoing support with another Community Funding Grant. Our band relies on Grants to be able to keep operating. Musical Director Barry Fletcher and Vice President Trish Fowler gratefully accepted the Grant.
December 3, 2024
Congratulations to Dennice and Rob, being recognised as "Friends of The Band" for their dedication and service to our band, regularly manning the table for raffle ticket sales and overseeing the prize allocation.
October 21, 2024
Congratulations to our award recipients for 2024. Tiffany Mumford receiving the Jim Baker award for commitment. Alex Salomon receiving the Conductors Award. Trish Fowler receiving Life Membership. Allan Fenney receiving the Walter James Elliget Service Award
September 25, 2024
The Annual General Meeting for the Southern Peninsula Concert Band will be held after a shortened practice on Friday 18th October 2024. Band members are asked to bring a plate for supper after the meeting.
July 31, 2024
Congratulations to Grant Salomon and Peter Botta, being recognised as "Friends of The Band" for their dedication and service to our band over the past few years, behind the scenes, helping set up, transport equipment and pack up for our performances, as well as photograph and record our performances. Well done.
November 21, 2023
SPCB are extremely grateful to Community Bank Hastings for our Community Funding Grant. Our band relies on Grants to be able to keep operating. Musical Director Barry Fletcher and Vice President Trish Fowler gratefully accepted the Grant.
September 14, 2023
The Annual General Meeting for the Southern Peninsula Concert Band will held after a shortened practice on Friday 15th September at 9 pm.  Band members are asked to bring a plate for supper after the meeting.  Several Reports and Awards will be presented at this meeting. [...]
February 2, 2023
The band resumes practice for 2023 on Friday 3rd February. Please invite all your musician friends to come along and check us out!  Especially looking for French Horn and Lower Brass players... [...]
December 15, 2022
The last practice for the year 2022 is Friday 16th December.Practicing with choir for Carols by Candlelight the following Friday 23rd December. [...]
December 5, 2022
The two Carol playouts, Rosebud Hospital and Rosebud Retirement Village have been CANCELLED   [...]
June 8, 2022
The concert at the Village Glen has been postponed until Friday 29th July.So, this is how the next few Fridays are looking:-Friday 10/06 - practiceFriday 17/06 - practiceFriday 24/06 - NO practiceFriday 01/07 - NO practiceFriday 08/07 - practiceFriday 15/07 - practiceFriday 22/07 - practiceFriday 29/07 - Concert, Village Glen. Look forward to seeing you Friday.Cheers,Allan. [...]
January 25, 2022
Message from the President:Now I know everyone has been practising enthusiastically in readiness for when we go back to band on the 4th of February, but due to this Omicron variant being particularly virulent at the moment we, as a committee, have decided to delay the start of band practice until the 4th of March.We will then assess the situation and then determine whether to resume band practice or further delay resumption.Until then stay well and hope to see you on Fri [...]
December 5, 2021
There are now no restrictions on the numbers that attend band practice.  We still need to QR check-in and have a valid vaccination certificate.  Masks are not required. Our last practice for the year will be Friday 17th December.  We have only two playouts coming up:Saturday 18th December - Rosebud Village Green - Carols by Candlelight7pm to about 9:30 pm followed by a breakup supper in the band hall.Tuesday 21st December - The Village Glen - Christmas Concert7:30 pm (Arrive [...]
November 1, 2021
Band Practices will recommence Friday 12th November 8 pm to 10 pm (TBC) under COVID safe conditions - Masks and Social Distancing. All members must be double Vaccinated and QR check-in is required.​These conditions are set down by the local council for the use of the band hall.  Maximum number at this stage is 24.Carols by Candlelight - Rosebud Sound Shell​At this stage it looks like our regular Carols will go ahead this year at the Soundshell, Village Green, Rosebud on Sat [...]
February 26, 2021
Band practices have recommenced but limited at the moment to 17 players and a conductor - Players are rostered on and off each week... [...]
January 22, 2021
Do you want the good news or the bad news...The good news is the Shire are re-opening our hall from the 1st of February.The bad news is you've all got to start practicing again. Now before you get too excited the committee are going to have a meeting prior to resumption, which, at this moment will be on Friday 12th February.  We plan to meet at the hall on the 5th to discuss distancing, cleaning etc.  After that meeting I will send another email outlining the r [...]
October 30, 2020
The Southern Peninsula Concert Band's AGM was held online this year via Zoom.20 plus Members attended.  Three reports were given: The President's Report (Allan),  the Treasurer's Report (Rob) and the Musical Director's Report (Barry).  All current committee positions remain the same for next year...The Band will not commence practice until next February 2021 at the earliest.​​Two more screen shots courtesy of Rob.  Click on photo to enlarge... [...]
April 15, 2020
Yesterday I received an email from the Mornington Peninsula Shire informing me that all halls are to remain closed until 30 June 2020.  This means there will be no band practice till after this date.  As to when we resume practice the committee will be guided by state and federal announcements.​In the meantime keep up the individual practice and hopefully we'll be back in time to do Christmas carols.All the best to everyone, stay healthy and look forward to seeing you when COVID [...]
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